Forwarded from Braham of the Universe.
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We are carbon 12 based beings, made up of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons, why do the bible call us the beast? Why do satanists use the number 666?? Because that is the number of man. we are living in a place full of sin, and we are sinners.. some worse than others.

Remember You’re not a body, you’re the spirit within the body. the human body can be used as a tool to help or used a weapon to destroy,.. the war between good and evil within each and every one of us internally and externally is fought everyday.

We must do better, be humane, live as one with nature & all living things. Even that most humans can’t do right.

It’s time to higher your vibrational frequency, eat organic fruits, vegetables drink plenty water fresh smoothies. Eat Less (death) meats and dairy products. Meditate, be one with nature, ground your body with mother earth. Manifest success in your life, create the reality you want to live in. Do better, be better. Learn from mistakes and grow.

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