AAnon on X...

I'm not some super positive person that always sees the glass half full. Sometimes it's half empty. I'm not a pessimist, I am a realist. I see things for what they are.

When I say "There is a Plan", I'm not just saying it because I'm full of hope. I say it because I've seen enough to believe it's true. And after 7 years of watching, I don't have anymore doubt.

My mind automatically doubts things. I have to work my way through that doubt before I can believe something. You could call it trust issues, but we do live in a world full of lies.

I'm telling you this because I want you to understand that I'm not high on hopeium trying to sell you rainbows. I honestly believe #ThereIsAPlan. I also don't base that off #Q posts alone. I'm going off of what Trump's said, & everything that I've seen over the years.

I don't expect you to just believe me. You should question everything I drop, & then find the answer. I've made multiple videos about The Plan so you can see the information & decide for yourself.

I'm not asking you to trust me.
I'm just asking you to look.

We are at war, & it's all hands on deck.

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