Forwarded from Warren Balogh
I have to say, Patriotic Alternative is showing the way when it comes to leaving behind the weird and lunatic associations of "far right" groups and taking the fight straight to the political system. The UK government is trying to block their attempts to compete in elections, and we face a different set of hurdles in the US (winner-take-all system, no proportional representation, incredibly steep campaign finance and ballot access requirements etc), but they are still managing to have a real-world impact on politics and forcing the system to react to them.

Always remember, the "there are no political solutions" crowd want us to stay ghettoized and fighting amongst ourselves on tiny online platforms with no real world outreach or organizing, because staying in the anonymous online ghetto is where weirdly online toxic personalities thrive and where everything is easily subverted by bad actors, where peaceful democratic organizing can be stigmatized or even criminalized as "terrorism" or "extremism."

There is NOTHING extreme or terroristic about our pro-White message, it is democratic in the deepest sense. We need a mass movement, we need to take our message straight to the people, we need to engage in the politics of the real world and force them to always choose between shutting us down, and thereby destroying their legitimacy, or letting us speak as we win over ever new hearts and minds!
MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know