+++ WeTheMedia Saturday Spotlight +++

Today: BrianCates

Brian Cates is a political pundit and columnist. He writes regularly for his own Substack, Rise of the New Media. He was a regular contributor to The Epoch Times from 2018 to 2021. He has also written columns for UnCover DC and X22 Report.

He is currently most active on his Telegram channel, where he posts frequently for his 119,000 followers.

Brian entered the political arena following the death of Andrew Breitbart in March 2012. No longer content to sit on the sidelines and just watch, he got into the fight and quickly made a name for himself on Twitter with his long threads on a variety of current issues.

Brian wrote briefly for Breitbart.com in 2013.

At first a staunch Never-Trumper, Brian like so many others realized on watching Donald J. Trump in the White House that he had misread the man who quickly became America’s greatest President.

Once Trump handily won the 2016 election, and the SpyGate scandal began rising to the surface, Brian was one of the first independent journalists to begin exhaustively researching the complex and sometimes confusing events involved in the Obama administration’s efforts to sabotage and take down the incoming Trump administration.

After The Great Election Theft of 2020 that removed Trump from office and inserted the unbelievably corrupt Joe Biden, Brian committed himself to exposing that theft and fighting for much needed election reforms at the county and state level all across America.

He currently makes his home in Lakeland, Florida and is the author of “Nobody Asked for My Opinion But Here It Is Anyway!”, “Tex Randle: Brotherhood of the Gun” as well as “And You Can Quote Me On That!”.

You can follow BrianCates here:

Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@BrianCates
Telegram: https://teleg.eu/s/drawandstrikechannel
Rise of the New Media Substack: https://briancates.substack.com/
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