Forwarded from MoonMaidenMusings
Here is a great writing from Eric Coppolino detailing several reasons why I REFUSE to share any work from Poornima Wagh. She does not seem genuine, her credentials are sketchy, she has been pushed to the forefront of the virus debate over others who have been in this fight longer, and for some reason can’t be properly vetted.

If we are trying to put forth the best information, we need to be looking at ALL angles.

Just because a newcomer is singing the message we all want to hear very loudly, it does not mean they have the best of intentions.

The powers-that-be know that they cannot keep a lid on the virus narrative much longer. It’s crumbling before their eyes, and in order to get ahead of it, they will need to infiltrate the movement in order to discredit it.

I don’t care what doctor or which truther supports her. It is important not to base all of what we do on the actions of others who seem to be ‘smarter’. We can ALL recognize patterns and sniff out bullshit.

Eyes open!
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