Any name-brandishing with the word ‘denier’ strapped onto it, seems to be largely victimisation of the subjects to vilify them publicly for questioning a certain narrative.

Election denier.
COVID denier.
Vaccine denier.
White privilege denier.
Holocaust denier. (Yes I said it)

Statistics + events have always been manipulated to achieve a certain narrative, and the horrific stories from Nazi Germany seem to be no different.

You only need look at the stories sold to us regarding Putin or Assad to realise how they successfully can create a distorted version of history which is wildly inaccurate.

I’m not going to get into this yet, and I’m aware that it will always ruffle a few feathers, but we should be open to question most things which we have been told about the past - having largely been reared under the indoctrination of our very own Western Imperialist Empire.

I don’t have all the answers, but a deep dive into the genocide of WWII can easily give you an insight into what didn’t happen.

We do live under the despotic rule of the Empire of Lies after all. ♣️
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