Forwarded from Ash Brierley 🇬🇧 (Ash Brierley)
I think its fair to say that a monumentally huge event is on the horizon. To me, it looks like Brazil is about to change history and bring in the military. Bolsonaro has not given up on his people and the people have not given up on Brazil and the military is fully aware of the situation.

At this point them entering the arena is inevitable and we already know where their allegiances lie. When this happens and it looks like it could happen very soon the way things are going this will be a major wake up call to all governments around the world and will clearly show the path that the United States is on.

So many huge things are happening. The EU is beginning to fracture it would seem, the banking system is teetering on the edge of a major black Swan Event which is when BRICS will likely come in and replace the old financial system.

Free speech is beginning to come back to twitter which is causing waves across the social media sphere and there is nothing they can do to stop it any longer.

Elon is beginning to unravel and expose the massive child abuse and trafficking that was taking place on twitter before he took over. This truly will be a nail in their coffin and one that will unite a lot of people against the system no matter their political affiliation.

The gigantic global elephant in the room that is the covid jab deaths is beginning to make headlines more and more each day. All they can do is keep trying to spin their narratives but it simply won't work anymore. This is too big and the dam will burst one way or the other.

In every country, in every person's mind a war is beginning to take place. A war against the system that has tried to enslave us. Good people in specific places are pushing this awakening and the downfall of the old system. People will be crying out for justice for the crimes that have taken place and they will be heard eventually.

We are on a road never travelled before, one that humanity must face in order for our evolution to take place. We must grow beyond this sick world they have created and begin to learn the truth, no matter how painful or how hard it may be.

We will take back this planet.

We The People are a force to be reckoned with.

We are not going back to sleep.

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