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Dear fellow citizens,

this Friday, August 26, 2022, I will be guest at the “Citizens & Information Evening” of the AfD in Fulda from 19:00 (CET).

Together with my colleagues from the Hessian and Thuringian state parliaments, we will share a lot of interesting information with you during presentations from the areas of EU policy, education policy and social policy, which you will not otherwise get to hear officially.

Afterwards, an "open microphone" will be available for all guests to directly contribute with their questions, suggestions or concerns to the discussion with the members of parliament.

Food and beverages will be provided during the event!

The city of Fulda is located in the center of Germany and is therefore very easy to reach by car or train from all directions. I would be very pleased about your visit and your numerous interest.

Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)
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