Media is too big

Who are you going to believe - a medical doctor, a trained immunologist with a long distinguished career, with over 600 published papers in the US national library of medicine, that has become an expert treating sick Covid patients on the frontline - or a politically biased ignorant media hack or clueless career politician like Chris Bowen ?

With the evidence & data on hand - the facts are Ivermectin (especially when used in combination with other drugs & supplements) is effective against Covid. Far more effective & far safer than the failed experimental mRNA injections

It works to prevent a person catching Covid. It works to reduce the chance of hospitalisation & death. It works against long-Covid.

To those that have demonised Ivermectin to try & win some cheap political point YOU ALL HAVE BLOOD ON HANDS ON YOUR HANDS. If you had any decency you’d apologise for your ignorance & stupidity to the families that lost relatives to Covid that never had the chance to try Ivermectin
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