This data further exposes the fraud and criminality of those pushing the jabs.

These malfeasants peddle the line that adverse side effects (including death) are ‘’rare’’ - so don’t worry, just line up like sheep over & over - 4 shots - with more to come.

To make of this assertion of ‘’rare’’ they use the numbers from national vaccine injury reporting systems (such as VAERS in the USA and DAEN in Australia) to quantify the injured & dead - and then divide this amongst the total number of injections given - and hey presto - look they are ‘rare’.

However these national vaccine injury systems are all passive & voluntary. And as such they have massive under-reporting.

These systems were design as ‘’early warning’’ tools not as quantitative tools to make a statistically determination on the actual rates of injuries - and then to use this to make risk/benefit analysis to determine if the vaccines should be used.

The criminal Covid cult know this.

They know the national reporting data manifestly understates the injuries & the deaths - maybe recording just 1/50th of the actual adverse events - yet they continue to use this flawed data to peddle the lie that death & injury is ‘rare’- just keep injecting.

This new data from Germany, confirms what everyone knows - the true rate of injury from the experimental jabs is massively under-reported -and if this true rate was used, the risk/benefit analysis would show the risks are far greater than any benefit - and they’d be pulled from the market.

It’s beyond fraud - they belong in jail. And the media are covering this up, while people are dying having their lives ruined being injected with a substances for the risks are far greater than any potential benefit.

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