We hear climate alarmists talk about how Big Govt can control global temperatures (and stop bad weather) by regulations.

The entire scam is based on the premise that CO2 levels work like a thermostat to regulate global temp - as the CO2 traps the heat in the atmosphere from escaping, so global temperatures just get hotter & hotter as C02 levels increase.

It’s based on this assumption that Australia is surrendering its sovereignty to UN globalists & handing an economic, political & military advantage to the Communist Chinese.

However, in Parliament’s rush to legislate the economic suicide note of 43% economy wide reductions in CO2, it appears that the Parliament forget to look at the current global temperature anomaly reading of just 0.1°C above the 1979-2000 base. And remember 1979, that when experts were warning of a new ice age.

So the ‘’trapped heat’’ has escaped and someone has stolen the ‘global warming’ - Greta and her worshippers will not be impressed.
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