NEW STUDY : If you want to avoid severe illness from COVID, forget the experimental injections - just ensure you have normal levels of Vitamin D

Yet another study confirms what we already know - ensuring you have a normal level of Vitamin D is the best protection against severe illness from COVID.

Just stop to think of the level of malfeasance from our health bureaucrats & politicians that have not once mentioned the importance of Vitamin D, but continue to talk up useless masks & toxic dangerous & failed vaccines.

I cannot put into words the contempt I have for these people as they continue to ignore the science & data, as each day more & more Australians are unnecessarily dying.

At the start of COVID a Prof. of medicine said to me - forget the vaccines, forget the PCR tests. Just put everyone in the high risks groups on Vit D supplements. Test them not for COVID but for Vit D deficiency. And don’t lock people down - ensure they get sunlight in winter.

It looks like he was right.
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