The CCP regime is deeply and intensely and intimately immersed in the US election systems at every level.

Because this is how you get control of the US government as well as the governments of many of the key US states, such as NY and CA.

As Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht and Mike Flynn know all too well, there is only one antidote to the CCP influence operations targeting and controlling US election systems:

Patriots rising up and taking back control of their local elections.

The Chinese influence operations targeting US national security elections infrastructure can only be effective and successful as long as millions of patriotic Americans were unaware of the threat and weren't doing anything about it.

But that has begun to change.

Arizona proved it.

Americans can take back control of their local elections from the Uniparty and their CCP/foreign puppet masters.

We must:

1) make enough Americans aware of the treason

2) motivate them to take action to stop the treason, which is directly affecting all of their lives

3) give them the tools and direction they need to reassert control over their local elections

It's a big job.

We all have a lot of work to do at this point.

But we are going to get it done.
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