The time for calling for people to just show up to vote is long past.

We're moving into another completely different era.

Citizens will be given the tools to monitor all the drop boxes and engage in massive real-time information operations in order to bring about election integrity.

Part of my job is going to be spending the next 2 1/2 months drilling hundreds of thousands of American patriots on how to safeguard their own local elections as they pry the CCP/UniParty fingers off the controls.

Did you know Secretary of States have been certifying elections for years illegally?

But nobody was challenging on this before the elections were held.

There are things state and county election officials are supposed to do before an election is held - or else that election can't be certified legally.

But citizens have not been very loudly and vocally ensuring these people are following the law before the elections are held.

This is not how the 2022 midterms are going to go. This time enough citizens are going to know the election law that too many Uniparty corrupticrats have relied upon them not knowing.

Nobody challenged them on their illegal actions before the elections were held. They got used to getting away with violating all the pre-election check laws, then rushing the tainted election through to certification.

Those days are OVER.

Forewarned is Forearmed.

An army of patriots is going to force compliance with the election laws in their states before these next elections are held.

Crooked Secretaries of State like Jocelyn Benson and Brad Raffensperger are going to be caught flat footed by this.
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions