Forwarded from UkraineNaziWatch
BBC: Zelensky's bodyguards are neo-nazis, 2022

Well, there will be no usual quote, since the BBC didn't say anything particular...
It just showed 😁 though. See the President's bodyguard at 28th second.

The patch is manufactured by a Ukrainian company with a telling name "R3ICH" (its non operational website) and is called "Operator Skull".

Strictly speaking this is not a 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf patch, but .... well...
▫️the manufacturer's name (a reference to 3rd Reich);
▫️the skull (a reference to "SS totenkopf")
▫️on the "operator" helmet there is a "white key on the black" image (top right edge) which is The 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler insignia.

P.S. As I say:
Isolated cases of nazism can't be taken as a proof, but a stream of such reports ... must be closely regarded.

This event under normal circumstances would have been no more than a local scandal, but it's not a sole event ... read the rest of this channel.
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