Conference is powered by Microsoft MVP community (Евгений Полоничко, Євген Недашківський (Eugen Niedaszkowski), Антон Бойко (Anton Boyko), Mykhail Galushko, Олександр Краковецький (Oleksandr Krakovetskyi), Sergii Bielskyi, Denis Reznik).


Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business resulting in fundamental changes to how businesses operate and how they deliver value to customers. Transform and growth your business with help of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Chatbots, and Microsoft Azure.


- Антон Бойко (Anton Boyko), Senior Solution Architect, Ciklum
- Denis Reznik, Data Architect, Intapp
- Олександр Краковецький (Oleksandr Krakovetskyi), CEO DevRain, Ph.D.
- Sergii Bielskyi, Cloud Architect, ELEKS

and others.


- Artificial Intellignce and Machine Learning
- Microsoft AI platform
- Microsoft Azure platform


10% of money from the sold tickets will be sent to the ДонорUA project.
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