Brighteon Broadcast News, May 31, 2023 - Western medical establishment REJECTS SCIENCE, FACTS and EVIDENCE (feat. Dr. Pierre -SHILL - Kory)

- Jamie Foxx now confirmed to be 💉VACCINE DAMAGED, causing severe STROKE with blindness and paralysis
- Target claims you're an "extremist" if you don't enjoy mutilating children via transgenderism
- Russia hater Victoria Nuland admits USA is running Ukraine's war against Russia
- CEO of largest carbon credit scam company steps down, admits carbon credits are a SCAM
- Webinar reveals the CCP's plan to attack America from within: Military sleeper cells to be activated
- FALSE FLAG: Media claims "right-wing extremists" will attack power grid - in reality, the feds will shut it down
- Full interview with John Fredericks: Culture wars, Target stores and Trump's path to VICTORY
- Full interview with Dr. Pierre Kory on healing from vaccine injuries and spike protein toxicity

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