⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇮🇹 Italy... On April 7-8, 1968, 30 European economists and scientists gathered in the Villa Farnesina to discuss a framework for initiating systems-wide planning on a global scale. At this meeting they couldn’t agree on what should be done…
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...There are two possible approaches: One is to try to build up an ethic which substitutes satisfaction for material reward. The other is to frighten people to the point where they will make sacrifices in order to avoid catastrophe. Both methods must be attempted.
(from Dr. Whitehead’s notes from the Club of Rome meeting in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, 1978)
▪️The futurist Warren Wagar proclaimed that technocracy was “the highest stage of capitalism” and prophesied that it soon would be implemented.
▪️...Maurice Strong, which developed the concept of Sustainable Development. It was presented in their report Our Common Future (1987) and was the trojan horse that would make the technocratic dictatorship a reality.
▪️After the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the major outcome was the adoption of UN Agenda 21 and ... The plan was put in place.
▪️World Enslavement Forum became the main vehicle to realise their vision, in tandem with the United Nations. This was manifested through the merging of UNs Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 and WEFs The Fourth industrial revolution, with the signing of a partnership in June 2019.
▪️Club of Rome is now one of the leading advocates for a declaration of a “Planetary Emergency“ by the UN General Assembly during the Summit of the Future in 2024.
This could trigger the set up of an Emergency Platform to establish the envisioned Technocratic Dictatorship.

Für ihre Sicherheit.” Of course... 🫠

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