There are some aspects of being an older male which I strongly advise you not to ignore, specifically, difficulty in starting urination, a need to revisit the toilet even though you’ve been recently, waking more than once to urinate among them.
But been wary of the misdiagnoses you’re quite likely to get.
“Screening prostate health by means of regular testing for blood levels of PSA” I strongly recommend you read about & resist getting your life medicalised. I know older men who have this on their mind more or less constantly, usually without justification.
As a general rule, I do not favour whole population screening “to detect disease early, so you can do something about it”.
It’s so alluring, but what you’re not told about the poor prognostic value of many such tests, nor that there isn’t a useful next step that will yield a more definitive answer. Before you know it, you’re on a couple of drugs you don’t need, for life, and scheduling a biopsy (which almost certainly won’t be definitive) & maybe a prostatectomy.
While things can go wrong, you are not a car. You do not need regular check ups. The “healthcare” system needs you to have them.

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