🇺🇸/🌎 To any American "Christians" still supporting the Zionist crimes against humanity in Gaza, remember that when the “American Nakba” gets under way, as millions of military-aged illegals are activated to carry out mass extermination of the population and infrastructure sabotage across the United States, and as you are being hunted and targeted in your own homes by the occupying enemy combatants who were allowed to flow across the open border by the millions, the mainstream media will do to you exactly what they are doing to the Palestinians: They will pretend you deserved it, and they will report that mass extermination of the American people is an act of “equality” for the world. Your cries will go unheard and unreported. Any act of resistance on your part will be denounced as “terrorism.” Before long, your homes, churches, schools and monuments will be bulldozed into rubble, then swept away and replaced by new communities for the imported replacements who carried out the genocide against you. History will be rewritten to state that the “oppressors” were finally defeated and that “equity” and “justice” have finally prevailed, and any trace memory of you, your family, your values or your history will be erased, then forgotten. This is what awaits each of you who applauded genocide in 2023, for you likely won't have long to wait before you become the target of the very acts of violence you foolishly advocated. Put another way, if the world won't denounce Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, it surely won't intervene when the American population is being exterminated and replaced by new occupiers, either.

And that day is much closer than most people realize.

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