πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Where is Dr. Ralph Baric from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill⁉️
His government sponsored research bio-engineered the Covid-19 weapon of mass murder. He also developed the antidote to this weapon of mass destruction.

Why has he not been seen πŸ‘€ for two years❓
Not one word or statement from this mad scientist.

Is he still alive❓ Is he hiding? Is DARPA protecting him?

Why haven’t any media platforms in the world tried to interview him? Why has not one platform interviewed his colleagues at UC Chapel Hill? Why has no one tried to get a statement from him outside his house?

The guy made the weapon that has killed millions and terrorized billions of people. {just asking...} πŸ€”

πŸ‘‰ FACTS vs. LIES!
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