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MR POOL COMMS: GOD will bring blind [them] with LIGHT [Sky Event?]

Mr Pool dropped BIBLICAL comms with his AND THEN SUDDENLY post, which connects to Acts 22:6 (confirmed by Mr Pool's timestamp of 6:22 => 22:6).

Acts 22:6 is about Saul, who stole David's throne and sought to rid the world of Christians (sound familiar?). On Saul's 'road-trip to Damascus' to arrest Christians, Acts 22:6 says: "...and then [it] suddenly happened ... this brilliant light form the sky flashed..."

Saul is blinded by the light of GOD, and falls to the ground in terror as GOD asks why he is persecuting his children. For 3 DAYS thereafter, Saul is blinded by the light. In time, Saul not only learn to 'see the light', he became Paul, the apostle, spreading the word.

Mr Pool is telling us that what is coming will be similar to what happened to Saul. It will be SUDDEN, and the world will be brought to their knees by THE LIGHT.

Is this BLINDING BRIGHT LIGHT the Sky Event that Q foretells, either in metaphor or reality?

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