Forwarded from 5D Full Disclosure 17 (Buddah Kuthumi)
It Is TIME!!!

It is TIME for the ILLUSION that is All around us to COLLAPSE. . . to FALL.

WE Are Seeing the SIGNS of This.

It Is TIME to CONNECT to the Christ Consciousness GRID allows us to have Freedom of HEALTH within our Bodies.

Perfect HEALTH within our Bodies. . . Because it is Connected to this GRID.

The more that WE Know that. . . the more that WE Realize that. . . the more that WE Remember that. . . the more WE will Find HEALING within our Bodies.

Because it is Connection Remembered once again will Allow for the Openings of All of the Meridians within our Bodies. . . Letting ENERGY Flow Freely through our Bodies.

WE are BEginning more and more to Activate that LIFE FORCE within our Bodies and LIFE FORCE within the Etheric Form. . . the Kundalini Energy rise once again...
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