Forwarded from Suzie_Q_2022
Oh wow what a story ! What a testimony ! Praying for you. What a warrior you are for the Lord. God is certainly sifting the wheat from the chaff and exposing the hearts all around the world.
Many are still in a satanic lullaby but ever so slowly are being stirred.
The remnants are rising !!!
The old is passing away or being dealt with if evil is in their hearts. Great repentance , judgement and vindication are coming!
We are in the birthing canal right now and the pain is intense. Just like a woman who endures during the highs and lows and peaks and valleys of contractions so is the world being compressed and released, formed and shaped into an entirely NEW WORLD our NEW REPUBLIC. These birthing pains can feel like they are too much to bare, but hang in! The rejoicing of a NEW LIFE after all this pain is coming. We are the CHOSEN PEOPLE! We will help lead the lost as we have been patiently waiting at the finish line for them to walk, run or crawl to it. We are there just ahead if them and we we will welcome them with open arms.
We have to rid ourselves of all unforgivenness, bitterness, pride, ego, as the NEED US.
A cleansing for us all!
A rejoicing for us all!
A unity of humanity!
What a time to be alive in HIS-TORY.
GOD BLESS YOU and Bless you all xo
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