Bot API 3.6

— Supported text formatting in media captions. Specify the desired parse_mode (Markdown or HTML) when you provide a caption.

— In supergroups, if the bot receives a message that is a reply, it will also receive the message to which that message is replying – even if the original message is inaccessible due to the bot's privacy settings. (In other words, replying to any message in a supergroup with a message that mentions the bot or features a command for it acts as forwarding the original message to the bot).

— Added the new field connected_website to Message. The bot will receive a message with this field in a private chat when a user logs in on the bot's connected website using the Login Widget and allows sending messages from your bot.

— Added the new parameter supports_streaming to the sendVideo method and a field with the same name to the inputMediaVideo object.

#bots #api #update

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
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