Telegram 4.4

Live Locations, Media Player and Languages

1️⃣ Live Locations

You can now share your Live Location with the people you’re meeting – for 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours.

2️⃣ New Media Player

Completely redesigned in-app audio player to better support the playback of MP3s and other music files you send and receive. Try the @cctracks channel for a demo.

3️⃣ More Languages

Starting today, Telegram is available in French, Indonesian, Malay, Russian and Ukrainian – with more languages like Persian coming soon. Telegram now supports 13 languages, which are available in Settings.

Also there is a new translation platform for Telegram apps:

4️⃣ Better Group Chats

In large groups, you can now recognize messages from admins by the new ‘admin’ badge

#update #telegram #groups #languages #locations

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
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