🔥25 Lifestyle Hacks to Become a Superhuman

1. Avoid watching pornography.
2. Ensure you sleep for at least 8 hours each night.
3. Minimize your alcohol and drug consumption.
4. Establish a meaningful purpose in life.
5. Refrain from consuming mainstream media.
6. Avoid the trap of self-victimization.
7. Adopt a protein-rich ketogenic diet.
8. Hydrate well, drinking at least 3 liters of water daily.
9. Maintain good posture throughout the day.
10. Engage in high-intensity workouts at least three times weekly.
11. Aim to read at least 30 pages of a book daily.
12. Regularly have screen-free days for digital detox.
13. Dedicate time for hobbies or activities that bring you joy.
14. Practice intermittent fasting to rest your digestive system.
15. Invest quality time in nurturing relationships with loved ones.
16. Limit screen time, especially an hour prior to bedtime.
17. Hold yourself accountable for your thoughts, words, and actions.
18. Spend at least 20 minutes under the sun daily, and supplement with Vitamin D + K2.
19. Avoid consuming food and drinks from plastic containers/bottles.
20. Practice daily gratitude, appreciating the good in each day.
21. Strive to balance your work and personal life to manage stress.
22. Avoid refined sugar, which can be disguised under 63 different names.
23. Set and track your short, medium, and long-term goals.
24. Grow your own food, free from pesticides, and learn to cook it!
25. Be mindful of prescription medication usage, especially those like birth control.

Did I miss any besides "DO NOT GET VACCINATED"?

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