False Friends

This article is highly concerning and shows why one cannot trust Dr. David Martin, and why 'The Wellness Company' (TWC) does not have good intentions.

Link to the article: https://mestuff.substack.com/p/excuse-me

I have been in some private chat groups with the brother of Dr. David Martin's friend and the co-owner of TWC, Daniel Lopez, and have since been blackmailed (with private statements about Malone, etc.) for writing critical posts about the company.

TWC Attack #1: https://x.com/goddeketal/status/1740932413075656862?s=46&t=MY6gbYtZwtL6TbnPbNeE-Q (Daniel Lopez)

TWC Attack #2: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/the-vitamin-wars (Naomi Wolf)

TWC Attack #3: https://palexander.substack.com/p/naomi-wolf-is-being-attacked-by-malone?publication_id=579356&post_id=140793126&isFreemail=true&r=1rfqgx&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email (Paul Alexander)

All those people are owned by Foster Coulson, the liberal CEO of TWC. They are on his payroll. Also Zelenko was owned by him and unfortunately also cared more about money than about your health (I got some interesting archived conversations with respect to his potentially harmful Z-Stack formulation).

I consider all of them, at the very least, to be controlled opposition. It's highly concerning that globalists and agenda pushers are perceived as freedom fighters by many people. And those who were on the right side of history for a very long time are being bought up by Coulson and Lopez one by one (Dr. Drew, Vigilant Fox, etc.).

Fun fact, I contacted some podcasts to run some ads for my genuine @sunfluencer supplements, and literally all of them are already sponsored by that company. Money is power. Money deceives. Money can buy almost everything and everyone (they’ll never be able to buy me though).

The enemy is from within. It's sickening and I’m losing my energy to be active on social media as we are on the losing streak.

The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions