Mik Andersen, author of

´Dear friends and subscribers of C0r0n @ 2Inspect. This morning Blogger has censored your blog of reference, canceling the publication of the following articles: 1) Pattern identification of patterns in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: nanorouters # 2) Identification of patterns in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: nanooctopuses and carbon-graphene nanotubes # 3) Identification of patterns in blood of vaccinated people: GQD graphene quantum dots.
I have published a short entry with a reflection on the matter. I want to thank you for your support and help. What has happened here is proof that in this Blog we have come close to the truth, that they are even capable of censoring scientific work. They don't want people to question, think, or analyze the situation. They have an interest in settling any scientific debate, any report, any information that goes against their plans. C0r0n @ 2Inspect has fulfilled its mission successfully, since it has managed to transfer the evidences and tests that demonstrate the great lie of our times. Thank you all once again.´
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