Since a few days, I see people and experience for myself continuous "sparks" when touching metallic objects like a car door or something made of metal.
It is obvious that they are raising the ambient electricity by microwave radiation.
I will pass this message on to the BR-9A measurement groups.
Watch out for these signals because they are preparing, artificially, what they will later call EG.5 outbreak etc, at the same time as they are talking about it in the news.
If they keep the radiation in this line, people will start to get sick, to release mucus (composed mostly of water) and when they go to TIMO- TEST they will already have a precious positive (we know that it is positive for water).
Radiation generates flu-like colds and the feeling of being "fake-infected".
If any of you identify with this testimony, please let us know in the comments.


Ricardo Delgado
How to Cut in iMovie