🧡: The Biggest Drug Smuggling operation in recorded history.

Featuring: President George H.W. bush, Richard Helms(CIA director) the Rothschild banking empire, and friends.

This post summarizes the β€œEagle II” operation and the Five Star Trust as outlined in this leaked FBI report:

*… updated link

I have extensively corroborated this report with numerous sources and my own research. No matter how crazy it sounds,

It is real.

You’re about to learn how the CIA- the White House- and the global Rothschild banking empire became the largest drug smuggling cartel in the world during the Vietnam era and then used those funds for black ops all around the world.

We have no indication that these operations ever ended.

During the tenure of Richard Helms as CIA director(Vietnam war era)- Helms, Bush Sr, Ed Landsdale, and William Colby hatched a plan to take over the heroin production and smuggling in south east Asia.

They would use these drug profits to fund CIA black budget programs outside of the oversight of congress.

Fun fact- Bush brought along his personal β€œGopher” Richard Armitage- who I’m told is the uncle of @EdKrassen ??? I have not confirmed this for myself at all. Armitage becomes very relevant later. Ed, I’d be curious if this is true?

The plan also relied on close cooperation with the Rothschild banking empire for laundering and distribution of the funds via β€œaid programs”.

The OECD (organization for economic cooperation and development) is to this day the global watchdog for money laundering, drug trafficking and terrorist financing. And it is described in this FBI report as a front for the Rothschild banking empire and directly complicit in the money laundering of this drug smuggling operation. Yes, you are reading that correctly.

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