Forwarded from Vincent James
Have you noticed the lime green hats at these pro-Palestine protests? Great example of controlled opposition at these events.

These are 'volunteers' from a J-wish NGO called the 'Lawyers Guild.' They only hire J-wish people for leadership and their members up until now have had the job of doxxing & harassing right-wingers at protests around the US...

A few of the organization’s members were affiliated with extremist groups like the Weather Underground.

Six members of the weather underground group were arrested in 1988 and charged with bombing the Capitol building. Susan Rosenberg was arrested and charged with having hundreds of pounds of explosives in her car. She recently served on the board of Black Lives Matter foundation.

During the McCarthy era, Guild members represented the Hollywood Ten, the Rosenbergs, and thousands of victims of what they called "anticommunist hysteria"

The ones in the yellow vests are also Lawyers Guild members. See how they take control of every protest?

Another example here back during the protest on the Golden Gate bridge.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.

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