Forwarded from Paul Serran's Signal to Noise (Paul Serran)
'All eyes on this weekend's French elections which pit Davos crowd pet and former Rotschild banker Emanuel Macron against outspoken nationalist Marine Le Pen.'

'Unlike the caviar-slurping Davos jet-setter, Le Pen realized long ago on that voters already struggling with high energy and food prices were more likely to care about purchasing power or lack thereof. And so, what was a 12 point gap between her and Macron has narrowed dramatically as she toured towns and villages, casting herself as the defender of the β€œlittle ones” against Macron’s reputation as the β€œpresident of the rich.” She pledged to slash gasoline prices and tax big energy companies.

Of course, this won't be Le Pen's first attempt to dethrone Macron. Or second. On her third attempt to clinch France’s top job, Le Pen has become a familiar face. Her efforts to appear more mainstream got an unexpected boost from the candidacy of Eric Zemmour, a far-right former media pundit sanctioned three times for hate speech also known as the French Trump.
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