A high-ranking government official once told me that Germany has been getting attacked by secret societies forever plus a day because it's actually the cornerstone of all invention, innovation and therefore prosperity in the world. He explained that throughout history it was the German people who invented the most advanced technology that threatened the ruling group, in regard to a shifting power differential away from the ruling 1%....and toward the general public. He told me that what was happening in Germany between 2020-2023 in relation to energy restrictions, lockdowns and extremely unfair government measures against the people.....was no surprise whatsoever in his eyes. He went on to explain that the secret societies, hiding in government, organized WW I, WW II and now were organizing even more draconian measures to sweep the leg of Germany, in order to either destroy the innovation capacity of that area or to place its innovation capacity under the control of the ruling group. We now can see all German car makers being forced to walk lockstep with the worldwide coup attempt in regard to electric vehicles and the kill switches inside those vehicles...for those citizens who attempt any push back or resistance to their complete enslavement. As someone who studies word magic I also added that the word Germany starts with the word GERM, which adds a negative "dirty" or "disease" based word magic spell over the people and area as well. He said that observation was very interesting. He said that Germany is the strength of the free world, regarding innovations that increase the power of the people, as much as the United States was the strength of the free world in relation to human rights..........which is something else that's also under aggressive attack at the moment by this exact same group working from the shadows.
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