Out of Nowhere, They're Everywhere......15 Minute Work Camps

Permits to travel and shop in different parts of the same city or they raid your bank account for not obeying and then they take your car because you can walk everywhere. You have to take your medicine every month or they raid your bank account again and you can't travel outside of your 15 minute zone to get any healthy food or supplements and can only eat the bugs in your zone. The only stores in each zone are non organic processed foods and bug shops, toxic coffee, injection clinics, "health care" centers where they finish you off, poisonous alcohol, weed shops, big box stores, fast food restaurants, no independent local shops, exercise is illegal because you burn excess calories, only permitted outside for 2 hours per day but no sun tanning to preserve water (no sweating), the 15 minute zones are patrolled by robot dogs and police robots...all for your health and safety. Sort of like the Berlin Wall but digital....but they still eliminate you if you try to cross that invisible digital line between districts. Want to visit your parents in another district, go shop at a store across town or get some organic food out in the country....not happening without a permit and you only get so many of them to start and you have to pay for each permit. How's your job looking if it's outside your zone? You guessed it..... it's going to be a hassle at first and then it will be eliminated later, just like you will be removed as well a little later after this starts. They're not camps that will do away with you, they're 15 minute fun zones to save the planet. Everyone knows that..

Anything that makes you weak and compliant is pumped in. Anything that makes you strong and healthy is illegal Each zone has its own media so you think everyone else in the world is having fun in their own zone when either they're completely free and not locked down at all or they've already been eliminated. All the news will be fake and different in each zone. Come on folks...for the love of God. Connect the dots.
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