I don’t want to be popular or well known, but I love this movement and got sucked in by the light and will to fight I saw in so many “ordinary people”. But the truth is you’re not ordinary at all.

I will sometimes say things I believe that also happen to be a little unpopular. 1) because they are true and provoke thought, and 2) they cause some to become offended and leave my “audience” (making me less popular by trimming the fat)

Popular truth: If everyone fought like you freedom lovers here on TG… America and the whole world would already be free. Keep it up.

Unpopular truth: If everyone here on TG used discernment and logic like Jordan Sather (who is constantly attacked with careful lies), we would already have purged all the 🤡s from our ranks and have much greater unity in the face of the enemy.

Fight as fiercely as Jordan does. If your understanding and beliefs are different THATS OK. Fight for them as fiercely as Jordan fights for what he understands. Be as willing to take the slings and arrows as he is, and we will crush our collective enemy.
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