Der VeRfAsSunGsSChuTz hat auch einen Stand auf der Gamescom und bewirbt dort staatlich finanzierte Titel, die niemand gespielt hat und in denen es darum geht, Jugendliche davor zu bewahren, dass sie in böse rechte Kreise kommen. Natürlich hat Deutschland…
For the english speaking followers: The "Verfassungsschutz", a german intelligence agency that spends 99% of its time fighting an imagined "danger from the right", has a booth at the "Gamescom", a big german gaming convention. They shill there for a pretty lame game the state made using tax money some time ago which warns about the "dangers of young people becoming radicalised", which is obviously the biggest problem Germany is facing at the moment (except for demographic replacement, antifa terrorism, soaring crime, general societal collapse and an impending self-made economic crash)
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