
I pity the gravely ill people who were shunted to the back of the queue for medical attention over the last year due to all this COVID fraud thats going on.

This cyber hack will not help them in the short term - BUT it will/should halt the insane and reckless race to inject toxic GM agents into those next in the "vax" [Death Jab] lines...lets hope they stay away and learn from this timely intervention.

The sooner the injections stop the better for ALL people...sick and healthy.

This Government must fall.
Criminal prosecutions must follow - including against those judges and clerks in the Higher courts that allowed the fraud and genocide to be sustained.

Full Public Investigation into pharma fraud and the bio-weapons next together with those in State Agencies and Government who took part in the fraud and murders of people in Ireland.

#StopMurderByBioWeapons #PCRtestFraud #BigPharma #MedicalTerrorism #Genocide
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