Forwarded from Burning Bright
Framing the Trump Trial(s) as a War of Attrition works when viewed through the lens of Game Theory.

Such framing suggests that prosecutors that have been put up to the ongoing Witch Hunt may look for the opportunity to find off-ramps from bringing said prosecutions to their implied end points that could result in either Trump's codified/proven innocence, or in Supreme Court challenges they'd probably rather not see.

When we flip this around, we begin to see that Trump and company have the lawfare department in a bit of a Kobayashi Maru (an impossible task,) caught between continuing their bogus inquiries (and thus, setting all sorts of legal precedent they'd rather not contend with,) or being seen dropping the charade in full view of an awakening populace.

This 'baiting' strategy is one patriots have employed all over the game board, from the Witch Hunt to the 2024 election.

Whether they convict or acquit, steal or submit, the world is watching.

Do you think they feel in charge?
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