Michael Ballweg. German human rights activist who stands up since 2020 for Germany's Basic Law and was a political prisoner for 9 months in 2022 until April 2023. He founded the "Querdenken“ (lateral thinking) movement, which organized demonstrations for peace, freedom and self-determination. With his private assets, he brought millions of people onto the streets of Berlin in August 2020. First, the media in Germany attacked the former seal of quality "lateral thinking" as right-wing extremist, anti-state and conspiracy theory, and then Michael Ballweg was taken into custody without charge. Ballweg's motto is to first look at people themselves and talk to everyone before judging (which was common sense before Covid). You can get your own, unmanipulated, picture of the content of the movement on the website and of Michael Ballweg, who writes regularly letters out of prison (querdenken-711.de).
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