Captain Future (Michael Bründel) is a computer scientist, DJ and fetish party organizer and since 2020 an activist for peace, freedom and truth. On the first demonstration in Berlin against the violation of the Basic Law in March 2020 he appeared in his "Captain Future" costume and was arrested immediately. Since then he has founded the „Freedom Parade“ and has organized weekly non-violent protest actions and dance demonstrations against Covid measures, lockdowns, compulsory vaccination, media lies or war. Although he distances from right-wing extremism, he was defamed in the media and censored. Meanwhile he has been arrested about a hundred times but still keeps going to fight injustice. Humour, courage and music always play an important role. He processed his actions and arrests into the documentary "Dance for your life", which was nominated at the Punk Film Festival in LA and won a prize for free speech in India. His latest creation is the dating platform "".
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