NEW: Dark money group pushing gas stove crackdown has significant financial stake in green energy.

Alex Laskey, Saul Griffith and Ari Matusiak – who together founded Rewiring America in 2020 – have all pursued various wind, solar, electrification and energy efficiency ventures, some of which have netted them millions of dollars in buyouts or received significant federal funding. The three co-founders have simultaneously advocated for policies benefiting those ventures through the nonprofit. 

"It's a shocking amount of money that they're hauling in with this scheme of theirs," Tom Pyle, the president of the Institute for Energy Research, told Fox News Digital in an interview. "I call it Big Green Inc. It is literally a business for these guys and they cloak themselves in the mantra of trying to save the planet. But, really, this is just very sophisticated self-dealing."

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