Forwarded from Claudia Pendlay
I posted this comment on your Rumble channel and am posting it here as well, It would probably be easier to get a reply from here. Thank you This is beyond amazing, thank you so much for this and most of all Thank God. I am 74 and have many many conditions that cause me constant pain, along with panic disorder. I won't go into them right now lest I lose my train of thought here. I have listened to this4 times and have had much relief from my pain which is now tolerable without pain meds. I have also had some benefits I really didn't expect like severe spider veins in my ankle and feet fading more and more each day. Varicose veins are shrinking daily. Most of my pain had been caused from arthritis and old abused joints. This is helping me so much I will definitely be listening to it several times a week as per your suggestion.
My question is do you have a downloadable version that doesn't require an internet connection? I have 2 reasons for asking this, 1 the fact that under the current status in the US we can't count on an internet connection in the next while, also 2 I have a good friend who could really use this and she doesn't have internet in her home and can't always get out to a place that has it. Off to listen again and see how much progress I can make today. 🙂
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