Email Testimony

Hi PM,

I've been following you since the Summer of 2018 after my pastor told me about you and introduced me to Q. I love the way you share insights and simplify potentially complicated things.

Back in December of 2021 I felt the Lord prompting me to read your Divine Healing & Dream Interpretation Made Simple books. I wasn't sure why but felt it was for something this Summer. I read through them and started to write down some dreams although this part has been a challenge. I've since purchased and read Seeing in the Spirit Made Simple too.

In early April our church had a one-day retreat with prayer ministers available to pray for us. Leading up to it, I felt the Lord prompting me to ask for healing for my hearing. I've had bad hearing since childhood (I'm now 46) and my tinnitus has been getting progressively worse, to the point that I don't like wearing my hearing aids bc they seem to magnify the ringing.

After receiving prayer for my hearing from a lady at the retreat, she held my hands out and looked me in the eye and gave me this prophetic word "The Lord is going to use these hands to heal people and when he does your hearing is going to be resorted." I then mentioned to hear that I was prompted to read your book on Divine Healing back in December and she gave me another book to read called "Doing What Jesus Did." The prophetic word really resonated with me in a profound, yet kinda scary way.

By the end of the month, I was noticing all sorts of people to pray for yet kept telling myself I wasn't ready to pray yet, when in reality I was scared of failure. I finally got the courage to pray for someone at church who had a bad back, and who I had a dream about in February that I prayed for his back three times and God healed him. However, after receiving the dream, I felt like I would have to fail twice before having success and that was holding me back from acting on the dream.

From that Sunday to the next Sunday the Lord used me to begin healing that man's back, God healed my sprained wrist, and He healed two people with bad right foot pain. God was growing my faith muscle and starting to show me how to operate in His Power & Authority!

Since then the Lord has used me to heal rib pain, a broken car, and my brother's back. I've joined the deliverance team at our church and I'm excited to be used by God to bring inner and physical healing to his children!

I wanted to say thank you for your ministry and for walking in your gifting as a teacher. I enjoy your Supernatural Saturdays and reading the testimonies on your Telegram channel too.

I'm learning how to operate and live from a place of Power and Authority as a son of the Most High King and I'm thankful that people like you have paved the way for people like me to follow in the Lord's leading.

Sorry for the long email. I've been meaning to write this for weeks but finally got around to it.

Many Blessings to you & Denise!

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