Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
The way I discern information is this:
If God shows me something, I go with that above all else.
No matter what the circumstances say to me or anyone else.
I go with God. 
Next, I go with my own discernment skills and wisdom.
I hold onto these things less tightly.
I make mistakes at times.
We all do. 
Then I find people who have proven themselves to be trustworthy and I allow them to speak into my life. I take the meat and spit out the bone and recognize that not everyone is right all the time, including myself.  
Some have gained more trust than others. Even shills will speak the truth (on occasion) and I can accept a truth from them without trusting them. 
And lastly, we have to be open to changing our minds and be teachable to God. 
The anon is always learning and exploring.
It's difficult to learn who to trust, but with this hierarchy, many wise people have been able to sift through the weeds and find a way through the fog. 
Faith is the Trump card.
Faith holds onto what God shows you despite any outward circumstance.
This gives you the calm that's so crucial in today's storms.
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