Forwarded from Claudia Pendlay
I apo;ogize for hijacking this thread but I don't know how else to let you know how much this video is helping me. Thank you Dave and Denise for all you do to teach us. I have been working with both your nervous system video and the emotional healing video and I just had a very special session. There are parts of my childhood that I either have trouble remembering or that I don't remember at all and I have asked the Holy Spirit to show me those memories. I have suffered with panick attacks since I was in 4th grade and have been working to try to get to the root causes of them. I have a memory of being around 5 and for some stupid reason I was hand plucking big garden spiders off the bushes and putting them in a Mayo jar, again for some stupid reason I took the lid off to look at them more closely. Of course the spiders all came flooding out of the jar all over me and I was terrified as the "flew after me" on their webs. Then I thought about being 5 again getting ready for school and I sat down by the floor furnace and the sash on the brand new dress my mom had made for me and the sash caught fire. My mom did the right thing and yelled at me to drop and roll and she put out the fire, I only had one small burn on my back. A few months later we were at our cabin in the mountains and went into town, as we passed the road that leads up the hill into the town all I could see was a wall of fire and I was beyond terrified. I went through the emotional healing steps for those events and felt tingling in my legs almost immediately. I am 74 and have vericose veins and some peripheral neuropathy, which has been improving daily since I began this. After a minute or so I was 5 again and my mom was on stage singing Ave Maria in her beautiful coloratura soprano voice and I broke out in both tears and goose bumps. I had no trauma about her singing that to me was a treat to hear but as I think about the traumatic events I laughed at the child terrified of the spiders and felt my mother's love and security about the two fire incidents. Thank YOU Thank YOU! And of course I immediately thanked the lord profusely.
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