Email Testimony

I have prayed I would one day I tell you I have been healed and with extreme gratitude. Today is that day. I asked you in February to pray for me and you graciously agreed. Thank you.

Last summer, I was diagnosed with mucosal melanoma stage 4. My first appt with my Dr I was put on hospice and given very little hope. In fact he suggested I not try any treatments and enjoy what time I had left. I did decide to try treatment and nearly died because of it but that's another story.

I trust the Lord and believe in miracles so I started asking everyone I know to pray for me. I have followed you for a couple years and love your ministry and figured it couldn't hurt to ask you also.

Monday I had a PET scan and it showed "no evidence of metastatic melanoma". With lots of tears and gratitude I praise Lord Jesus, and give thanks for healing men and women like you. Thank you doesn't feel like strong enough words for what I feel in my heart.

My Dr is amazed and I wish I could attach the note he made on my results. This journey is not complete yet, but it will be soon.

Love and blessings
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