Forwarded from Mama Bear
Today I prayed over a printer that had stopped working a few days ago. I had tried a few tricks the other day to see if it would print, but it would not. So today I prayed, invited God’s presence and commanded the printer to work again. While I was praying a light on the printer flashed! Then I hit the print button and, voila! It printed perfectly, immediately. God is so good. I called my kids into the room and told them what God had done! They were excited and told their friends about it at dinner tonight.

At the restaurant tonight someone unexpectedly paid our bill to bless us. We decided to pay it forward and pay someone else’s bill in the restaurant. My friend who was with us suggested we pray about which table to bless. My son (9 years old) bowed his head and prayed and then he said God answered “to your left.” My friend heard the same thing from God. I was blown away that my son would bow his head and ask God and then hear an immediate answer. It is only in the past few years that I have started hearing from God more regularly. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

My kids are homeschooled and we read amazing stories of Christian heroes who had so much faith and God moved mountains for them… and now my kids are starting to have big faith because of it. Blessed!!!
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