Email Testimony

Hi Medic,
I was reading some of the testimonies and thought how amazing God is in our time. I'm not sure if this is the platform to send this missive, but here it is.

In 1989, I had a very large lump in my breast. I'd just split with my husband, had two small children and wasn't about to go to the doctor for them to shoot radiation through my breast and make it worst. One evening after feeding the children, I fell backwards on my bed and asked God, "what are we going to do about this lump in my breast." To my surprise, as I was, I thought dozing off, but was actually elevated several inches above my body. I witnessed a hand, larger than a human man's hand, use their index finger and thumb, reach into my breast and pull the lump out. I could feel the intensity of the lump being removed, but there was no pain. Afterwards, I dozed off. The next morning curious about what'd happened the previous night. I sat up and started feeling around my breast. There was no lump. My breast was back to normal. I cried and thanked God, until my sons came in the room and asked, "Why are you crying." I didn't tell them they were so young. God has never stopped being in the miracle making business. Much love to you, and keep up the fantastic work.
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