I had a testimony I wanted to share...

I grew up with a strong relationship with Jesus. I don't remember not knowing Him to be honest. I had my moments growing up and made tons of mistakes but the relationship was never lost. That is, until I lost my dad and two brothers last year. My brother and dad died within minutes and my other brother a week later. I was devastated and to be honest, really angry at God for taking my daddy who was only 63 and perfectly healthy. So the last year I stopped going to church, reading my bible and immersed myself in q going down rabbit holes and watching podcast and I found you at some point. I Pretty much negated any time with God unless I was telling Him how mad I still was for taking my dad. That is until my husband Isaiah got sick. - thank you again for praying for him as he was healed. I gave God the glory and told everyone what God did for him.

I felt almost hypocritical as I told people since just a week prior I was soo mad at God. It was then I realized I was not equipped to fight the spiritual war we are in and I needed my relationship with God and I would fail without Him.

So Monday after watching your rumble video on walking with God I told God I would give Him the first of my day at wake up at 5:30am. I forgot to update my alarm but God woke me up at 5:30 like clockwork. Today, God woke me up with my husbands voice calling out my name, only my husband is driving his truck in Iowa at the moment. I knew right away it was God. I took out my Bible and apologized to God that it was buried under some books in my nightstand since I hadn't opened it in over a year. I said since Isaiah (my husband) was the voice I heard I would read Isaiah.. God gave me some words but too long for this email...Then I put on some praise and worship while I got ready for work. I then felt Gods presence and when I feel the spirit I always cry. I'm not a cryer by nature, I didn't even cry at my dad and brothers funeral, but always have I cried when I'm in His presence.

It was then I felt the urge to grab a penny. I've known about this for about 6 months but was always afraid I would "fail". I didn't want to watch the penny fall. But today I felt led, found a penny and praised God and commanded the penny to stay and it did. I grabbed my phone and took a pic and then fell on the floor and wept. I had missed God and it was overwhelming the relief I felt. I knew God was still with me even when I was angry with him. But today I KNEW in my soul. I guess it's like your parents tell you they love you your entire life, then you mess up and you think they will disown you and instead the hug you and tell you they love you, even when you did something bad. So while you know your parents love you, it's different when you don't feel you deserve that love.

I felt undeserving of His love after all my sins and shutting Christ out of my heart in anger, but today I experienced my dad loving on me. I wanted to share this with you and to let you know that I am thankful for you and your ministry and allowing God to use you to teach others how to walk and grow in a relationship with God.

The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions